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世界畸觀/是在哈囉 衛生紙不能防疫是在搶屁搶?

台北郵報The Taipei Post 台北中心/整理報導












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Not something I’d usually post but I think it’s an important message to share. People are being completely unresonable when panic buying, bulk shopping. The country will not let us to hungry. There is no need to have more than enough food for the next 6months. I completely agree that you should think about building a small amount of reserves over time. Maybe buy one extra pack of chicken breast when you go shopping. Just one or two bags of pasta added to your weekly shop. There are many other people who haven’t got the option of bulk shopping. Not everyone can afford it. A months worth of formula milk cost on average £40. Imagine how it must feel knowing that you won’t be able to give your baby what it needs because the shelves are empty. Some people have reduced mobility. Going to the shop is something that takes a lot of effort and they may not be able to carry more than a few items home. Think how they feel when thier weekly essentials are all gone. Many of you have friends and family who would happily drop round supplies when you’re self isolating if it comes to that. There are people out there who don’t have anyone and will struggle. Buy and cook as normal. Freeze leftovers and produce whilst it’s still fresh. Cut back on waste and you’ll be fine. . Art credit @jesshankoart . #covid_19 #covid #covıd19 #coronavirus #panicbuying #bulkbuying #helpingothers

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